Oneness of God, Oneness of religion, Oneness of humanity….. Tomorrow, I went to a palce, people over there are happy, laughing and positive vibes are coming from them….. Leaving that place I went to the next one where people are screaming , crying and cursing god for a sudden death in the family. Wholeness is […]

“Try to become a man of values, rather become a man with success, being successful isn’t always the most difficult thing in the world, it’s your hard work, dedication & luck but adding values to something is a lot harder one should try to be intelligent (budhiman), medhawan and this can be achieve by seeing […]

Today we will discuss true meaning of Yoga. Yoga means Focus on mind & body, gives us fitness. We all are unique creation of god, with different DNA structure and these structures can be made fit by exercise. “Why we are not happy like small children? smiling & dizzling like them, we all are sad […]

Devotion is essential for every human being. This is the most important part of an individual’s life because it makes him free from all his guilt, frustration, sorrows and irritation. Devotion is the only thing that helps an individual to meet his own self. Devotion makes our thoughts unite with others as well as with […]

  Today is Basant Panchmi. We celebrate this day by worshiping goddess Sarasawati who is considered as goddess of knowledge. Saraswati is called the Mother of the Vedas and the repository of Brahma’s creative intelligence. Saraswati is also called Vak Devi, the goddess of speech. Sarasawati is an emotion. If Sarasawati/education is given importance in […]

Bring silence, keep your mind quiet. There is lot of noise inside. You have studied cell, atom. If atom is also subdivided nothing seems to be visible. Fold your hands and close your eyes and bring silence. Everywhere there is silence so that you can recall everything you learnt from your memory. You may feel […]

70% men are addicted to hard drinks and some females are also addicted. But still girls are very powerful and majority of women do not have any such addiction. One should be polite and humble while listening. At present Punjab is facing a very serious problem and has become a very disturbed state. The problem […]

Without any practical sound knowledge we cannot do well to others. This was shown in the picture “Three Idiots. The Dean, Viru sahstra Buddhe was nic named as “Virus” Education comes as a key to personality growth and self development that manifests in relentless promotion of self. But what is missing in self expression that […]